The intent of this Featured section is to highlight certain projects beyond what would show in our portfolio. Many projects have more than one aspect to them – different versions of an animation, or animation plus illustration, or other design needs while creating an illustration. Some projects are large, some are small, but none of that matters – we’re not trying to highlight only our best work here, but different aspects that make up a project (or series of projects) and hopefully helping you, the client, see the potential beyond the initial need.

HeRO Product Modeling
A look at one aspect of work that we do: 3D modeling of products/devices from physical items.

Paccocath - Components of a Project
The Paccocath project and stills from the animation, as well as images created for other needs along the way.

Spectranetics CTO System
Modeling the CTO system from drawings to help pre-visualize the end result, and assist with coloring and label placement.

ThromCat Tip Breakdown
Breaking down some of the details of creating a more interesting image.